Sunday, December 8, 2019

Finishing Up w/ ENGL 101

Since this is the last week of class and since we don't meet for a complete week, any entries you make on the blog this week will be extra credit. You can make any comments related to the course that you would like. However, I have a few questions:
  1. In what ways did ENGL 101 surprise you? How did it meet or complicate your ideas of what a college writing class would be like?
  2. What do you expect ENGL 102 will be like?
  3. What is one thing that you learned this term that you didn't know before?
  4. What was your favorite thing we did this term? What was your least favorite thing?
  5. Which of your classmates' writing did you admire the most--either during group crits or on Thursday's in-class reading? 
Do you have any questions?

It's been a pleasure for me.

1 comment:

  1. English 101 surprised me in a way that no other English class has been. It actually met my standards of an English class and it was not complicated to me. I actually liked this class because when I had an opinion to share, it was acknowledged and I like for my ideas to be noticed. We also had interesting discussions whether it is about real life topics or topics related to the books we read. I believe that Engl 102 will be similar but there will be a lot more reading. One thing I learned from english is the different subcultures. There were many k I did not know about such as steampunk, bodybuilding, goth, etc.My favorite thing to do was the group critiques because the people I was in a group with gave me the constructive feedback I was looking for.My least favorite thing to do was posting on the blog since i would forget to post on it. I admired this girl... I keep forgetting her name but I liked how she critiqued my work. She always gave me the feedback I would be looking for. Im grateful to this new experience of english 101 in college. I hope for the best next semester.


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