Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thoughts on syllabus

The syllabus was clearly organised and understandable. It shows the books required and what is also required of myself  to make progression in the course. What i like especially about the syllabus is that the professor was able to manifest his true feelings and care towards it. As such, it really motivates me and to push harder, and my attitude toward reading and writing will be treated with the utmost respect. At least I will try! My only problem, on the other hand, is how to manage my time properly. If anybody could really help in having or explaining a proper time schedule, that would be really helpful!

First Wrirting Assignment and Free Writing

It is good to practice writing everyday. The free writing activity also did a lot for me as i was able to jot down on paper something I would usually say aloud. Makes me feel a lot more comfortable as it actually shows that I can write a lot and allow people to understand how I would feel. Next thing. Am I the only one that when I go to class I have the idea of what I want to do for the writing assignment, but when I get home, the idea just went to another planet?

Thoughts about the syllabus

I thought the syllabus was very detailed and informative to help me understand what I have to do to complete the assignments. It's great how it shows the required texts and the days assignments that will be do for class. Two questions that I have about the course is, will we be discussing certain chapters that are important as a class and will we be using group critique to edit written assignments for books that we read.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Thoughts about the syllabus and class

I found the syllabus to be really informative and helpful. it gave me a good sense of what is expected of me and what we will be learning this semester. i think its really helpful that you have the weeks and classes already planned out in case something comes up you can always refer back to it. im excited to read the autobiography of Malcolm x and learn more

What i think about the Syllabus

After reading the syllabus these are the questions i have about the course and they are will the formal writing assignments will be fun or interesting in class. Also one thing is the book mood by Yoel Hoffmann will it be interesting to read because i never heard of this book at all so i hope i enjoy reading it.

My attitude about reading and writing wasn't that good i always got bored or tired reading or writing too much but over the years i enjoyed writing and especially reading.

Welcome to ENGL 101!

Read this syllabus and post to the blog a brief entry, something along the lines of: “After reading the syllabus these are the questions I have about the course… These are my attitudes about/experiences with reading and writing…” 

You may also use this space to tell me and your classmates anything else about yourself you’d like to share.