Saturday, December 14, 2019

Last Week Of English 101 Class

For the last week of class we were getting ready for the final we took on friday. On Thursday we got to ready something in class. I decided to read two poem from a Persian poet name Rumi. This poet is my sister favorite one and i agree with her because he is really good with poem. i liked that everyone got to read something they have and liked to share with the class.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Finishing up w/ ENGL 101

1.) I knew we would have to write a lot so that didn't really surprise me, the only thing that surprised me is the amount of books we would read. I thought we would be reading a pile of books according the exaggerating  high school teachers. I think what complicated me was not wanting to read but having obviously, and writing my ideas onto computer. I think way too quick and add unnecessary information or put too little. 
2.) More reading plays as Professor Talbird said in class.
3.) I knew there were abstract writers in the world, not can compare to Moods. And i learned quite a lot of Malcolm X
4.) Talking in groups, giving helpful critiques to each others. Probably reading in front of the class
5.) It has to be Jared or Catherine, they would both write really good. And on interesting topics that i didn't know, so it was educational and interesting. 

Sunday, December 8, 2019

For me it was better to see the people performing the play because it’s better when things are visual. As in it Paints a picture in my mind of the character acting out the play. If I were to just read the play I would be confused and forget most of the lines and words. Though the different groups broke it down the different parts of the play to convey the message and make it clear. I really liked this activity because it was something new and caught my attention because I like to act out things.

Did hearing/seeing/performing the reading make you understand it differently?

Yes, it made me see it from a different perspective because during the play I could see how the actor was interacting with the audience and asking these rhetorical questions. Also, I noticed that this play mixes funny things with sad things so it is very interesting how he starts with something that is supposed to be happy, but it always ends in a tragic way. Every actor knew the mood of the play, so when they started to act out had a lower voice and try to transmit like a sad feeling to put us in the mood.

Did hearing/seeing/performing the reading make you understand it differently?

Seeing the play acted out by people in my class made me understand the play in a different way. The reason why I say this is because, when I was reading the play in my head, I couldn't really visualize how the person would say things and the setting of where he was talking. When I saw people in my class reading the play and showing pictures and music in the background, I was able to imagine the way the story was being told since I saw a visualization of my classmates reading in front of everyone. Adding the music and pictures helped as well because it gave me a few ideas of how the mood of a play can be either dark or happy.

Thomas Pain

The monologue started off with Thomas smoking a cigarette. The monologue then started to show how Thomas is someone that says random things like talking about a cowboy and talking about how a dog died. He also said how a kid was laughing about it. I could tell that every word that comes out of Thomas is random because, he told someone to screw off and used a profanity word when someone left. It seems like he doesn't have a reason of why he says these things and appears to not have any emotion when saying certain things.

Finishing Up w/ ENGL 101

Since this is the last week of class and since we don't meet for a complete week, any entries you make on the blog this week will be extra credit. You can make any comments related to the course that you would like. However, I have a few questions:
  1. In what ways did ENGL 101 surprise you? How did it meet or complicate your ideas of what a college writing class would be like?
  2. What do you expect ENGL 102 will be like?
  3. What is one thing that you learned this term that you didn't know before?
  4. What was your favorite thing we did this term? What was your least favorite thing?
  5. Which of your classmates' writing did you admire the most--either during group crits or on Thursday's in-class reading? 
Do you have any questions?

It's been a pleasure for me.