In my opinion, it seems like if anyone would tell them what's wrong and right for them; they won't listen, they will do what they like. In terms of not listening to the others, I think the author also stated in the text, first paragraph where it says "If someone tells us to look at something rationally, in a major key- as, for instance, Telemann did- we get angry."This quote and text from page 160 also shows that how much over confident they were when anyone would asks them for something or show them something else, but they would never pay attention to it. They would just walk and do whatever they want to do as they came to their own world. It also signifies that arrogant and childish way to deal with certain people. Instead of negotiating with others, they want others to negotiate and compromise with what they want to do if they want them to work for somebody.
I think, the conclusion is everything exists for a reason just like god created the world.
I agree with charanjeet on the way she described page 160. I also believe that that Hoffmann and his friend are pretty arrogant when it comes to themselves. they judge people but don't like being judged. They want people or their readers to think the way they do but they don't want to change their own thinking. For me Moods by Hoffmann was a really confusing book and left a lot questions like "why did he choose to write about god in the? or why did he write a book with his friend?" Hoffmann is a complicated writer but he does keeps a person interested to find more information.